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    Scuba Diving Instructor Courses in Cornwall

    We have some absolutely spectacular diving here in Cornwall, fantastic kit and highly experienced and engaging instructors… use your new found skills as a launch pad to travel the world, or complete your Instructor course with us!

    The dive season typically is April to October each year (far too cold and deserted in Cornwall over January and February!), although we dive all year round and individuals can be accommodated for outside of these dates, the Spring – Autumn window is best as it allows us to slot you in when we have the best momentum, i.e. we have other customers for training as well as recreational diving, and we have the best chance of getting some good weather windows, as well as milder seas, and better visibility.

    These dates are particularly important if you are considering Divemaster Training, because the ‘real time’ assisting and experience that you will get if you are here when we are busy is crucial to you gaining the experience you require to become a well consolidated, confident and competent Divemaster.

    To do all the courses up to Divemaster you would need to do this over an absolute minimum of 6 weeks, ideally 7 or 8 if you could spare the time. You would then need to consolidate / build up to 100 dives in your log book minimum, to then enrol on a PADI Instructor course.

    The PADI rule is that you must hold your initial PADI Open Water (or equivalent) qualification for a minimum of 6 months before enrolling on an Instructor course (if this was your intention).

    Please feel welcome to give us a call or email if you have any questions or would like to run some dates by us.

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